Motion Graphic Templates

Installation Guide

Motion graphic templates are made for use with Adobe Premiere Pro and make adding animated, branded graphics to your videos quickly and painless. The text for the templates can be edited entirely in Premiere using the Essential Graphics panel.

Step 1
Prepare your computer

Make sure you have the 2021 versions (or later) of Adobe Premiere Pro and Adobe After Effects installed. After Effects knowledge is NOT required to use the templates, but Premiere needs it to read the template files. Once apps are installed and updated, activate the necessary font via Adobe Fonts, New Frank, if you have not done so already.

Step 2
Download and install templates

Choose the template you want to use and download the file. Keep all template files in the same location on your machine. Once downloaded, you are ready to install. In Premiere, open the Essential Graphics panel. In the 'Browse' tab of the Essential Graphics panel, select the 'Install Motion Graphics template' button on the lower right-hand corner. Navigate to the template files on your machine and select the one you want to install. Templates are installed one at a time. 

Step 3
Use/edit templates in your projects

Access the templates in the 'My Templates' section of the 'Browse' tab in the Essential Graphics panel. Type "FIU" in the search bar to locate the templates. Drag and drop your desired template to the timeline. All templates are created in 4K resolution. If you are working in a 1080p (or other) timeline, right-click on the item and select 'Set to frame size.' To edit the text, select the item in your timeline and use the 'Edit' tab of the Essential Graphics panel. The templates will remain available to you in your Templates Library for use in other projects.

Downloads & Examples

Lower Thirds

Lower thirds have a default 10-second duration. Duration can be shortened (or lengthened) in the timeline by trimming and moving the exit animation.

Lower Third best practices:

  • Templates are designed for no more than three lines.

Block Text

Block text templates should adhere as closely as possible to examples in terms of text composition. 

Block text best practices:

  • Templates are designed to fit an average of 150 characters or less, including spaces.
  • If your text is too long, consider condensing it or splitting it into two slides.
  • Lines should not be too much longer than how they appear below, otherwise, you might run into animation issues.
  • Templates are designed for four lines or less. You may run into issues if you try to add more than four lines.
  • Templates should not be scaled any lower than 90% relative to your timeline resolution, and scaling should be consistent throughout your video.


Block Text 2

Note: Does not include exit animation.


Block Text 3

Note: Does not include exit animation.